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Potholes – CwaC’s Eye View

Here’s how CWaC view their responsibilities to the potholes that we all complain about.  All information is available on CWaC’s ‘Report It’ ‘Pothole’ webpage

CwaC’s teams inspect all roads and footpaths for damage on a regular basis in line with the CWaC Highways Safety Inspection Code of Practice.  This is a 21 page document that lays out CWaC’s response to the following  :-

1 Introduction

1.1 Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council Policy

1.2 Scope of this Document

1.3 Highway Inspections

2 Legal Framework

2.1 Highway Safety

2.2 Definition of maintenance and repair

2.3 The Highways Act 1980

2.4 Establishing a defence

2.5 Statutory Undertakers

2.6 Other Authorities & Owners

3 Safety Inspections

3.1 General

3.2 Hierarchy and Frequency

3.3 Carriageway Hierarchy

3.4 Footway Hierarchy

3.5 Undertaking Highway Safety Inspections

3.6 Repair Response Times

3.7 Defect Categories

3.8 Defect Risk Assessment Process

3.9 Risk Evaluation

3.10 Training and Competency

3.11 Recording Information

3.12 Location Referencing

3.13 Data Retention & Archiving

3.14 Emergency procedures

3.15 Parameters for defect Definitions

3.16 Minimum Investigatory Level

Following this Guidance, maintenance of our roads are selected following the guidance provided by Department for Transport (DfT).  If potholes fall outside of the following criteria, CWaC have routine maintenance and resurfacing plans in place which may be found at

Where a pothole is found, either by Routine Inspections or Report It, to be at least 4cm (two thirds of a ruler!!) deep on a road or 2.5cm on a pavement CWaC will investigate.  Examples are shown on the 'Report It' webpage referenced above.

Once a pothole has been identified, CWaC carry out the following :-

  • inspect the road within 10 working days
  • decide on how quickly we need to repair it depending on size, depth, type, position and volume of traffic
  • repair them within 24 hours if it is urgent (category 1)
  • let you know if they aren't going to carry out the work and why

Pothole repairs are prioritised as follows :-

Potholes which pose an immediate and critical risk will be made safe within two hours.

Category 1
Potholes which pose an immediate risk and require urgent attention will be made safe or repaired within 24 hours.

Category 2
Potholes which are deemed not to cause an immediate risk, can be repaired within longer timescales. The timing of the repairs will be determined on risk and have been divided into three priorities:

  1. high priority - make safe or repair within five working days
  2. medium priority – repair within 28 working days
  3. low priority – pothole recorded and will be re-assessed on next routine safety inspection.

Programmed works
Potholes that have been identified as requiring repair but do not pose a safety related concern will be included in our programmed work. This will be completed along with other related work to ensure efficiency and provide value for money.


So let’s help CWaC in its fight against potholes by using

Report It